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All urgent appointments with our clinical team are available throughout the day, Monday - Friday by contacting our reception team on 029 2037 9510.
All routine appointments can be booked via telephone, email or (when available) The NHS Wales App.

GP appointments, Practice Nurse and HCSW appointments can be booked as a face to face or as a telephone call if appropriate, if unsure please ask our reception team.

All routine telephone consultations are normally booked in a morning clinic on a Monday or Friday, an exact time cannot be given, but will be between 8am-12pm.

Home visits take place between the clinicians morning and afternoon surgeries. 

An alternative way to contact our clinicians is by visiting e-Consult. This method of contact should only be used for routine matters. Please see visit our e-Consult page located in the Patient information tab or Click Here of our 'Online Services' page for more information. 

When booking an appointment, you can express a preference of which clinician you wish to see. We may not always be able to accommodate your request depending on the clinical rota and your availability, but where possible, we will try to arrange an appointment with your preferred clinician. If we are unable to accommodate your request, a reason will be provided and you may be asked to see an another clinician. 

How to make an urgent same-day appointment

Patients are advised to contact the practice as soon as they possible can if they feel that they need an urgent same-day appointment or a home visit. If a same-day appointment is required, a member of our reception team will offer a telephone call or a face to face appointment with one of our clinicians.  

Once all the appointments have been allocated, any additional emergencies will be triaged by the Duty Doctor. Depending on the needs/symptoms of each individual patient, either the Duty Doctor or one of our receptionists will contact the patient to arrange a call/face-to-face appointment if required. 

Priority is given to sick children, those who are immunocompromised and patients who are receiving palliative/end of life care. Genuine emergencies that cannot wait until the next day or that are not appropriate to be seen in A&E will either receive a call/invite to a face-to-face appointment with the Duty Doctor or will be signposted to an appropriate service. 

Please Note: Our Reception Team are working under the NHS access standards and guidance from the practice Senior Partner.  You will be asked for a description of your symptoms to help our team to signpost you to the most appropriate clinician. Please be courteous to our staff who are following their protocols and policies.  Please bear in mind that all calls to the practice are recorded and we operate a zero tolerance policy against abusive/aggressive behaviour towards our staff. 

Please note that if you would like a chaperone present during an intimate examination (or for any other reason) please inform reception staff or your Doctor/Nurse.

In the event of the practice not being able to offer you a chaperone at that time, you will be given the option of re-booking for a new date.

Nurse Practitioners - What they can do for you

Nurse Practitioners are trained specialist nurses. They are highly experienced nurses who have undertaken additional medical education in order to provide advanced nursing care and to prescribe medication.

Nurse practitioners can provide treatment and advice for many problems for which you may have seen a doctor for in the past. Their main areas of expertise are in the management of common illnesses and long term conditions.

The nurse practitioners can assess and examine you, make a diagnosis and provide advice and treatment including a prescription if required. They can order any necessary investigations, make referrals to hospital doctors or other health care professionals, and admit patients into hospital when necessary.

The nurse practitioners work closely with your doctor and liaise frequently with her/him about your care. If clinically appropriate, you may be referred to the doctor.

Test Results

The receptionist will be able to give you results of investigations after 2.00 pm, either at the reception desk or by telephone. It is the patients responsibility to contact the practice to find out the results of any test.

Important Reminder: If you are unable to attend your appointment for any reason, please cancel your appointment via The NHS Wales App (if you have an account registered with us) or call 029 2037 9510 as soon as possible so that we can re-arrange your appointment for a more suitable date and time. We can then offer the appointment to another patient.